Sunday, June 22, 2008


One of our families' favorite thing to do at home is sit in "Mommy's rocking chair" and watch all the pictures come up randomly on our computer screen. It seems that we do it a few times during the day and usually just before bed. The kids even know that when the pictures are over, if you wiggle the mouse 20 more minutes of pictures will come up. Hence the need for "when the pictures are over it is time to go to bed".

Anyways, this picture popped up for the first time that I had seen it and I had forgotten about it! We don't have many pictures of all 4 of us... and of those... usually at least one person is not looking (and it is not the parents!) This was taken at a zoo in Oregon at a wildlife park. Cameron & Carolyn love animals and love seeing wildlife... we do too- we live with wildlife!


Monty and Kristin said...

Love the picture! So cute! The zoo is so much fun! Now I know why your kids like my boys--they are like wild animals most of the time!

Alyssa said...

I love looking at pictures on the screen saver too. It is always fun to see the random pictures that come up! Especially when they bring back fun memories!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brett & Betsy! Rick and Sarah Over (and boys) here...Rick forwarded me your blog info and since I'm the "talkative" one, I thought I'd say hello! Your babies are getting so big. If you are ever visiting down south, we'd love to see you! Take good care from your extended "Doheny" family.