Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Little Treat

Sunday night was a Primary Inservice meeting from 7-8pm. Afterwards we had a chocolate fountain for refreshments... I stayed until 9pm! (Gonna have to join a gym for sure now!) Ok, so really I was talking with friends more than eating.

When I got home, Cameron was still up (took a 2 hour nap during the afternoon) and he was so happy to have strawberries!!! (He asks a lot to go to the Farmer's Market to get strawberries - they are his favorite!) Brett and Cam finished the little plate of goodies that I brought home and now Cam asks me once in a while if I have to go to a primary meeting again! "Remember, you brought me a surprise from your meeting? Can you go to a primary meeting again so I can have a surprise?"

1 comment:

joni said...

How nice of you to share with your family. I probably would have brought some home, but for me! (although I would have told everyone at the meeting it was for Aaron so they did not think I was a little piggy... FYI, I am!) We did not make it down the the horse cutting- ol well- I am sure there will be more. I will call next week when you get home and see if you guys want to play!