I've got just 2 more pounds to gain to reach my "pre-pregnancy" weight. That darn morning sickness really took my appetite away and well, let's just say thank goodness for reserves! So I am on quite the doctors orders... eat ANYTHING - gain some fat and NO EXERCISE! Ok, so I have to admit that at my last OB appointment I tried my darndest to talk my doctor into a little lippo suction while she's in there during my C-section. Needless to say I was rejected and even laughed at! But I am telling you that some of the food I've had is not going to look so good on me after I deliver!
At this point we know that one of the babies is positively a boy. Baby B. I am feeling a lot of fluttering and movement and it is just days from feeling them externally - Cameron & Carolyn can hardly wait! One of my specialists (I have 3 doctors) thinks they are all 3 boys! Yikes! My other specialist (in the same office) only would confirm Baby B (who seems to always be telling us he's a boy!) I think Baby A is a boy and I am hoping Baby C is a girl (I know, I know, this is all quite confusing - you should see what the ultrasounds look like!)
Not only am I hoping for a girl for me but especially for Carolyn who is not too keen on the idea of having all brothers... her response to my "what if all 3 are boys?" "Well Mom, you can just have some more babies!" (Not going to happen... hence my desire for a girl!)